80坪現代風的樓中樓,空間純度是通過溫潤的淺木質調和藝術漆鋪陳,描繪出一個屬於屋主獨特的家庭故事。首篇通過精巧的玄關設計,將面積如一個房間大的玄關利用邊櫃,切割出兩個獨立空間。邊櫃不只發揮收納功能,並能將部分隱私留給客廳使用者,使空間自然對話,讓整體更添趣味性。將客廳內的隱私與出外穿鞋的便利性同時融入在此空間,透過分割,客廳空間更顯得格外大器與穩重。進入開放空間的客廳,風格獨具的芥黃色沙發與溫柔的木質調色空間完美融合,不顯突兀,更多的是時尚品味的提升。仰天一看,海浪般流暢的線條被製作成天花板的樣式,呼應著閱讀空間的書桌的結構。似雕塑品的精緻造型書桌,搭配現代極簡的線燈設計,衝突造型碰撞卻又用以相似的色調,帶出柔美的藝術的感官刺激。用餐區的精緻的吊燈,巧妙的點綴空間,讓氛圍被烘托出和諧又不失高雅的氣味。再者,被設計為半透明的樓梯,更是通往隱密個人空間的神奇通道。步行上半透明的樓梯,通透感的延伸更能突顯此空間的獨特性。抵達上層後,交誼空間(mini bar)呼應著下層的客廳,沙發也以芥黃的鮮活顏色,點亮氛圍,為這空間增添一致的風采。再走進至私人的起居空間,溫暖的弧線燈帶,刻畫出空間的流動感。設計團隊更利用了藍色的木皮與真實的皮革,複材質的結合,交叉編織為如精品飯店般的空間。整體設計以純粹大氣的現代風格定調,展現出細膩的質感與實用性,打造另一放鬆與享受兼具的室內摩登篇章。
A contemporary duplex house of 80 pins. Combination of the texture of tender wood and artistic paint paves the essence of space portraying an extraordinary anecdote belonging solely to the master of the residence. The delicately built spacious foyer comes with side closets cutting itself into two equal halves. Side closets not only provide extra space for storage but preserve personal privacy for those in the living room making anyone within pleased to better relish such fun indoors. The foyer itself serves as the borderline between residential privacy and convenience to put on shoes here. With such partitions the foyer creates, the living room sees its majesty and creates better spatial efficiency. On stepping into the boundless living room, a stylish mustard-yellow sofa sitting within the tender ambience of wood ushers in less awkwardness but more of an upgrade of fashion. From above, the wave-like ceiling comes first alongside a desk for leisure reading. The intricately-made desk paired with the contemporary simplistic design of string lighting sees the contrast of structures but compromises with the harmony of their similar colours bringing out soft but unexpected sensational stimulus. The chandelier in the dining area reasonably exaggerates its size creating a harmonious and elegant ambience in the surrounding space. Furthermore, the transparent staircase leads to a hidden space. It creates a unique expansion of space to walk on the transparent staircase. The mini bar on the upper floor inherits vivid colors and marks the boisterous ambience downstairs. The next section reserved for private daily routines amplifies the smoothness of space with the assistance of lighting of warmth. Our fusion of blue bark and genuine leather weaves such space into a boutique hotel of your own taste. The duplex is tuned with ideas of simplicity and majesty delivering its great texture and practical use while enjoying the relaxation and cosiness of indoor space.